Friday, April 18, 2008

Nose Reshaping and BROW LIFT

Nose Reshaping Surgery

Nose Reshaping Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
Rhinoplasty can reshape your nose in a number of ways to improve its appearance and proportion in relation to your other facial features. Rhinoplasty is a nose-reshaping surgery that can correct deformities or make subtle aesthetic changes for cosmetic purposes. Your plastic surgeon may make one or more adjustments as necessary.

The earliest recommended age for Rhinoplasty is the mid-teens, a time when the nose is near full development. There is no upper age limit for Rhinoplasty

Accomplish by Rhinoplasty
* Nose size, in relation to the other facial structures
* Nose width, at the bridge
* Nose profile, with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
* Nasal tip, that is large or bulbous, drooping, or too upturned
* Nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
* Nasal asymmetry and deviation

Surgery of the nose is a good option for you if
* Your facial growth is complete and you are 13 years of age or older
* You are physically healthy
* You stop smoking
* You have specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance

Brow Lift CoverBrow Lift

Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift minimizes the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose; improves what are commonly referred to as frown lines; and repositions a low or sagging brow.
As the aging progresses, skin wrinkling and a loss of tone can occur in the forehead area as it does in the eyelids and lower parts of the face. This may cause sagging of the eyebrows, resulting in a tired or sad look and aggravating the problem of excess skin of the upper eyelids. It may also result in deepening of the horizontal expression lines and wrinkling in the forehead itself. There may be deep, vertical frown lines between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead.

The risks include:
* Unfavorable scarring
* Bleeding (hematoma)
* Infection
* Poor wound healing
* Eyelid disorders that involve abnormal position of the upper eyelids (eyelid ptosis), loose eyelid skin, or abnormal laxness of the lower eyelid (ectropion) can coexist with sagging forehead and eyebrow structures; brow lift surgery will not correct these disorders; additional surgery may be required
* Fluid accumulation
* Anesthesia risks
* Blood clots
* Correctable hair loss at the incisions
* Elevated hairline
* Facial nerve injury with weakness or paralysis
* Facial asymmetry
* Skin loss
* Numbness or other changes in skin sensation or intense itching
* Changes in skin sensation
* Eye irritation or dryness
* Pain, which may persist
* Skin contour irregularities
* Skin discoloration and swelling
* Sutures may spontaneously surface through the skin, become visible or produce irritation that require removal
* Possibility of revisional surgery
you can get more details of Nose Job Rhinoplasty

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck(abdominoplasty)
Tummy Tuck Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, and in most cases restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.
Sometimes after multiple pregnancies or large weight loss, abdominal muscles weaken, and skin in the area becomes flaccid. Abdominoplasty can tighten the abdominal muscles and, in some instances, improve stretch marks. In men and women who have fat that is concentrated in the abdomen, the procedure will remove excess skin and fat. The surgery will not eliminate minor wrinkling or take the place of dieting, but it can improve a loss of skin elasticity in combination with localized fat accumulation.

checklist as a guide during your consultation

* Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
* Are you a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons?
* Were you specifically trained in the field of plastic surgery?
* How many years of plastic surgery training have you had?
* Do you have hospital privileges to perform this procedure?
* Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally- or state-recognized accrediting agency, or is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified?
* Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
* How can I expect my stomach to look over time?
* What will be expected of me to get the best results?
* Where and how will you perform my procedure?
* What surgical technique is recommended for me?
* How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery?
* What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
* How are complications handled?
* What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my tummy tuck?
* Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for this procedure and what results are reasonable for me?

Possible risks of abdominoplasty include:

* Unfavorable scarring
* Bleeding (hematoma)
* Infection
* Fluid accumulation
* Poor wound healing
* Skin loss
* Blood clots
* Recurrent looseness of skin
* Pain, which may persist
* Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
* Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
* Anesthesia risks
* Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling
* Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
* Major wound separation
* Asymmetry
* Persistent swelling in the legs
* Nerve damage
* Possibility of revisional surgery
* Suboptimal aesthetic result


Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or suction-assisted lipectomy, is cosmetic surgery performed to remove unwanted deposits of fat from under the skin. The doctor sculpts and recontours the patient's body by removing excess fat deposits that have been resistant to reduction by diet or exercise. The fat is permanently removed from under the skin with a suction device.

Most liposuction procedures are performed under local anesthesia (loss of sensation without loss of consciousness) by the tumescent or wet technique. In this technique, large volumes of very dilute local anesthetic (a substance that produces anesthesia) are injected under the patient's skin, making the tissue swollen and firm. Epinephrine is added to the solution to reduce bleeding, and make possible the removal of larger amounts of fat.

The doctor first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized, the doctor makes a series of tiny incisions, usually 0.12-0.25 in (3-6 mm) in length. The area is then flooded with a larger amount of local anesthetic. Fat is then extracted with suction through a long, blunt hollow tube called a cannula. The doctor repeatedly pushes the cannula through the fat layers in a radiating pattern creating tunnels,

removing fat, and recontouring the area. Large quantities of intravenous fluid (IV) is given during the procedure to replace lost body fluid. Blood transfusions are possible.

Some newer modifications to the procedure involve the use of a cutting cannula called a liposhaver, or the use of ultrasound to help break up the fat deposits. The patient is awake and comfortable during these procedures.

The length of time required to perform the procedure varies with the amount of fat that is to be removed and the number of areas to be treated. Most operations take from 30 minutes to two hours, but extensive procedures can take longer. The length of time required also varies with the manner in which the anesthetic is injected.

The cost of liposuction can vary depending upon the standardized fees in the region of the country where it is performed, the extent of the area being treated, and the person performing the procedure. Generally, small areas, such as the chin or knees, can be done for as little as $500, while more extensive treatment, such as when hips, thighs, and abdomen are done simultaneously, can cost as much as $10,000. These procedures are cosmetic and are not covered by most insurance policies.

From Louann W. Murray, PhD

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Face lifts - Rhytidectomy

A facelift can reduce sagging skin on the face and neck, helping these areas to appear firmer and fresher.

Face lifts(Rhytidectomy)
A facelift can reduce sagging skin on the face and neck, helping these areas to appear firmer and fresher. You can choose the right treatment listed below

Surgical Face Lifts
Surgical face lifts are cosmetic surgery procedures. In the UK, cosmetic surgery facelifts should be carried out in a hospital or clinic registered with the Healthcare Commission.

Mini Facelifts
Mini facelifts are less invasive, with recovery over a weekend. Some mini face lifts only involve tightening of the skin and provide quick results with little down time,

CACI Face Lift Treatments
CACI tones the face muscles, smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles. CACI treatments are relaxing and painless, available in many beauty salons and health spas

Neck Lifts
Neck lift surgery lifts saggy skin to improve the appearance of your neck. Cervicoplasty is the neck surgery procedure used to remove excess skin. Platysmaplasty surgery tightens neck muscles.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Skin Care Advice

Everyone – guests and those who will be in the public eye -- wants their skin to look its best on their big day. Here are some simple tips you can follow to help avoid skin problems on your special day:

Acne or Rosacea Skin:
Plan ahead: if you have a skin condition like acne or rosacea, see a dermatologist at least 3-4 months ahead of the big day (and sooner, if possible), so that your condition can be brought under control and so that your skin can heal up in time for the occasion. Check out or for treatment information.

Wrinkles, Unwanted Hair or Sweating:
Are you thinking of having treatments like Botox® (for frown lines, or to control excessive sweating), fillers like Restylane™, Juvederm™ and Artecoll™ for wrinkles, creases and scars, or laser treatments for unwanted hair or to remove broken blood vessels from the face? You should aim to have these treatments completed about 3 weeks before the event, so that the benefits of treatment will have fully developed, and so that any side effects of treatment like redness or small bruises will have resolved. Discuss the plans and timing with your dermatologist so that these things can be taken into account when scheduling your treatments. (Read more about Botox®)

New Cosmetics:
If you want to experiment with cosmetics, you should do so well in advance, to reduce the risk that an allergic or irritant reaction will interfere with your enjoyment of the event.

Sun Tanning:
Sun protection is important in the weeks leading up to an important event, to reduce the risk that you will have sunburn or peeling on the big day. It is also important to avoid experimenting with tanning beds in the weeks leading up to a major event, in case you have an undesired reaction to the UV light.

Self-tanning creams and spray-on tans should not be used for the first time within three weeks of a major event, in case there is an allergic reaction or an unusual or uneven color is created. If you want to use such products, start to experiment with them several months ahead so that you can learn how to obtain safe, reliable results. Remember that the pigment created by many self-tanning products can discolor fine clothing, so it might be best not to apply them within a week of a public event.
What if there is a dermatological emergency like a flare-up of acne or an allergic reaction on the face in the days before a wedding, graduation or other important day? Fortunately, many of these problems can be helped by modern medical treatments. Your doctor may be able to arrange a high priority appointment with a dermatologist if they explain that there is an important event coming up – most of us, and most of our staff have been through these things ourselves and we are very sympathetic.
Written by Dr. Kevin Smith